The Playbook
Missing data? Missing deadlines? Missing deals your team should've won? Don't stress it: there's a Rattle workflow that can help! Check out all the ways you can now empower your team to work smarter and achieve more, below.
Rattles we love

AE to CSM handoff
Set new customers up for success with automated handoffs.

Close date overdue
Clean up your deal data for better forecasting.

Deal moved to next quarter
Alert key stakeholders to deals that push out of quarter.

Deal stuck in stage
Know when a deal stalls out – and what to do next.

Lost deal
Learn from every loss.

Manage approvals
Get quick approvals for discounts, contracts, and payment terms.

SDR to AE handoff
Simplify opportunity handoffs from SDRs to AES.

Stage changed
Increase visibility into deal status changes.

Won opportunity
Celebrate your literal wins.
“Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.”