Enablement that Scales: Abnormal Security’s Growth Story Using Rattle
High-growth, fast-moving businesses tend to race along sometimes at the expense of their internal systems and processes. It can be hard to keep up.

Abnormal Security is a cloud-native email security application that uses behavioral signals and AI to automatically mitigate risk.
https://abnormalsecurity.com/Company Size
500 - 1,000
Computer and Network Security
CrowdStrike Falcon Fund, Menlo Ventures, Greylock, Insight Partners
High-growth, fast-moving businesses tend to race along sometimes at the expense of their internal systems and processes. It can be hard to keep up.
The team at Abnormal Security, a cloud-native email security platform, felt the challenge around this hyper-growth as their business expanded rapidly, especially on the revenue side where the sales team alone grew by 10 times in under two years. Mark Gremban, Director of Revenue Operations at Abnormal Security, had a front-row seat to the pressures that hyper-growth put on his revenue systems.
“We’ve been in a very high-growth mode since I joined the company,” Mark said. “A lot of the talk was around hygiene and ensuring reps were populating the right fields within Salesforce, giving them efficiency and productivity to do that.
“I saw Rattle as an opportunity not just to help with the hygiene, but to help enable our sales reps as they came on board to ensure they knew what the expectations were and to be able to guide them through our sales process so they could perform at their best.”
How Rattle helps
What may have begun as an exercise in hygiene and process adoption has become a foundational building block that permeates Abnormal Security’s entire sales system. With Rattle, Abnormal Security is able to be proactive and aligned at all stages of revenue.
Consistent onboarding and process adoption
Growing as rapidly as they did, the Abnormal Security team needed to train a number of new reps on a number of core, dynamic processes. Faster onboarding led to faster ramp, which led to faster attainment.
“Rattle really gave us the ability to proactively alert our sales reps in real time of outstanding process gaps,” Mark said. “It allowed them to efficiently make updates without them having to log in to Salesforce to look at reports, to find the record that they're looking for.”
Visible, timely reporting
One challenge with a modern revenue tech stack is getting access to information in the right place and at the right time. Since Mark and the Abnormal Security team spend their days communicating in Slack, Mark used Rattle to build a reporting system that took the most relevant reporting from Salesforce and delivered it directly into Slack.
With Rattle, Mark subscribed team members to specific, contextual reports that arrived in Slack DMs and Slack channels on a strategic cadence. This enabled speed along with visibility since all the information the team needed was right at their fingertips, at their “virtual desks.”
“With Rattle, we send not only a view of the report within Slack, but also the recipients get the ability to drill into that report and see the details from Salesforce in real-time,” Mark said. “As an example, we started using this for forecasting purposes, specifically around our commits for the quarter. This gave our leadership team line of sight into how our commit was changing daily throughout the quarter.
“At-a-glance, you could see what opportunities were falling out, what opportunities were coming in, and opportunities being pushed out a quarter or pulled back in.”
Real-time, on-the-fly approvals
Bringing your Salesforce data into your daily communication tool (Slack, in the case of Abnormal Security) has benefits for the frontline reps and operation teams but also makes life easier – and more efficient – for decision-makers. Abnormal Security uses Rattle to raise the visibility of key performance data, and they also use Rattle to turn decisions into one-click experiences.
“Rattle has given us the ability to send the approval messages to the approvers via Slack, and allowing them to approve at the click of a button,” Mark said. “This has been really helpful for our sales leaders, specifically on the enterprise side. They’re constantly on the road. They're visiting customers, they're going to trade shows, they're visiting partners. They're not always behind their computer, which means they have not always been able to approve quotes in a timely way.”
Total workflows
Estimated 100+ – including Reports and Enablement
Benefits that Mark has seen from using Rattle:
✅ Grew from 12 reps to 100+ reps in less than two years and was able to effectively onboard new joiners and maintain process adoption and hygiene in the sales funnel
✅ More effective enablement thanks to Rattle’s delivery of relevant, timely information for new joiners and with changes to the product and sales process
✅ Enhanced visibility into pipeline, revenue, and expansion performance across the sales journey
✅ More efficient decision-making thanks to right-place, right-time data and complete integration of Salesforce actions and workflows
“The business never stops, right? We have to be able to meet our team where they are. Rattle gives us the ability to do that.” – Mark Gremban, Director of Revenue Operations @ Abnormal Security