Revenue Operations

The Top TED Talks for RevOps: Our List

Nick Gaudio
September 1, 2023
The Top TED Talks for RevOps: Our List

While TED (himself)* has yet to install a over-sized foam “RevOps” sign on the big stage, the team here at Rattle wondered: what would be the lineup for a RevOps-focused TED talk look like?

So we knocked our heads together — sometimes literally — and came up with the list below.

Here are eight of our faves.

Why-oh-Why — with Simon Sinek

This one is probably an obvious inclusion, but if you've ever heard someone not shut up about their “why” — this talk is where they got it. Yes, this one is required watching before you join a Revenue team.  On the off-chance you haven't seen it: in RevOps land, knowing your 'why' — and how that meshes in with your company's 'why' — is every bit as important as your 'how' and your 'what' and your 'where' and so forth.

Spaghetti Dinner at Gladwell’s Place

Believe it or not, spaghetti sauce is a deep, philosophical topic — and not just for my Nonna. Malcolm Gladwell thinks so, too. For RevOps enthusiasts, this is a saucy lesson in understanding the moods and proclivities of picky customers.

Sutherland’s POV Playground

If you thought value is just a price tag, Rory Sutherland's about to burst your bubble (hilariously, we might add). Tiny changes can actually make customers weirdly happier, which means more cha-ching for your and your revenue teams.

Godin’s Greatest Show On Earth

Want to make your idea infectiously viral? Seth’s your guy. Think of him as the unofficial marketing mascot every RevOps nerd needs in their corner. (Come to think of it, he could make for a fun bald-guy-with-glasses plush toy?)

Tower of Terror and/or Teamwork, with Tom Wujec

Get some thoughts on the nature of collaboration from Tom Wujec at Autodesk. This one is weird, fun, and bizarrely effective.

Bill Gross’ Captain Obvious Moment


It's not just for comedians. Gross drops this truth-bomb, as we used to call it, reminding us that when you enter the market matters at lot.

Amy Cuddy’s Body Language Dance

This might seem out of left field, but hey, if you're trying to woo clients or customers, might as well learn the tango of body language, right?

Ricardo Semler’s Wild Ride

Imagine a company with almost no rules. (Wait, you're saying, I already know that).
Well in this thought experiment, Ricardo Semler pitches that chaos can be your friend. Sounds like a RevOps dream?

Err. Maybe.

*Yes, I know TED isn't a real person please don't email me.

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