The State of RevOps 2024
The rise of AI, a supposed "soft landing" for the economy, and a whole host of changes, all at a breakneck pace...
Yeah, a lot has changed in a year. But one thing remains the same: RevOps remains in the spotlight (which, if anything, is brighter now).
So, we asked 100+ of some of the smarterst Ops experts around what they’re seeing on this turbulent frontier.
The result? 40+ pages, packed with trends, insights, opinions and data that reveal this fastest-growing career in the U.S. has a chance to soar, but first they’ve got to get a few things out of the way.
Get the report here:

Inside the Report
Apprehensions over AI
Who's using AI, who isn't, and what's keeping other RevOps pros up at night?
Misalignment with sales leaders
There's apparently a good bit of communication that needs to happen there.
Cautious optimism, but also...
Maybe not for tool adoption.